Ambassador of Thailand to the Republic of Korea (ROK) had the honor of welcoming Minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs at the Royal Thai Embassy

Ambassador of Thailand to the Republic of Korea (ROK) had the honor of welcoming Minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs at the Royal Thai Embassy

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 8 Apr 2021

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 29 Nov 2022

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On 7 April 2021, H.E. Ms. Rommanee Kananurak, Ambassador of Thailand to the Republic of Korea (ROK) had the honor of welcoming H.E. Mr. Hwang Ki-chul, Admiral (ret.), Minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs, who visited the Royal Thai Embassy to introduce himself after assuming his position in December 2020, as Thailand is one of the 22 nations which contributed personnel to the United Nations Command (UNC) during the Korean War (1950 - 1953). On this occasion, Minister Hwang expressed his appreciation to the Government of Thailand for sending troops during the Korea War, while Ambassador Rommanee extended her appreciation for the ROK Government’s projects aiming to ensure the well-being of the Thai veterans. In addition, the two sides also discussed ways to promote cooperation on veterans affairs through exchange of knowledge and best practices following the signing of the Joint Communique on Cooperation for Veterans Affairs between the 22 Sending States and the ROK during the International Conference of UN Sending States on Veterans’ Issues in November 2020 in Busan.

