On 25 January 2016, H.E. Mr. Sarun Charoensuwan, arrived Seoul to assume his position as the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Republic of Korea.

On 25 January 2016, H.E. Mr. Sarun Charoensuwan, arrived Seoul to assume his position as the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Republic of Korea.

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 29 Jan 2016

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 3 May 2022

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On 25 January 2016, H.E. Mr. Sarun Charoensuwan, arrived Seoul to assume his position as the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Republic of Korea. Subsequently, on 26 January 2016, H.E. the Ambassador presented his credentials to H.E. Mr. Yoon Yeo-cheol, Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea.

