Ambassador-Designate to the ROK visits the Office of Labour Affairs in Seoul

Ambassador-Designate to the ROK visits the Office of Labour Affairs in Seoul

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 26 Apr 2024

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 26 Apr 2024

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On 25 April 2024, Ambassador-designate to the Republic of Korea,H.E. Mr. Tanee Sangrat,visited the Office of Labour Affairs in Seoul and received a briefing on the missions and roles of the Office of Labour by Mr. Nithiphat Watthanasuwakul, Labour Attaché.The Ambassador-designate appreciated the warm welcome and briefing.The Ambassador-designate also shared the Embassy’s essential policies called “3P,” including (1) Economic Promotion (EP), (2) Consular Protection (CP), and (3) Soft Power (SP), which is aligned with the missions and roles of the Office of Labour, in particular on promotion of the expansion of the Thai labour market, Thai labour protection, and skills development for Thai labour abroad. In addition, the Ambassador-designate has expressed his readiness to support and cooperate with the Office of Labour in labour-related matters.

