วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 26 เม.ย. 2567

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Tanee Sangrat

Ambassador of Thailand to the Republic of Korea


Tanee Sangrat assumed his duty in the Republic of Korea in April 2024. He aims to pursue the 3P strategy : Economic Promotion (EP) especially 2-way investment, Consular Protection (CP) particularly Thai workers and nationals, and Soft Power (SP) exchange, among other priorities.

As Ambassador to the US from 2022-2024, Tanee focused on the ASP: Alliance, Sustainability, and Participation of the Thai American community. He supported the forming of US-Thai Alliance Caucus in the US House of Representatives, Thailand being selected as the venue of IMF & World Bank Meeting in 2026, the organization of “Sawasdee DC” Thai Festival, the establishment of Thai Restaurant Association of America, and the launch of NVA Market leading to the 3rd Thai Town in the US.

As MFA spokesperson and DG of Information Department from 2020-2022, Tanee oversaw Thailand’s APEC national communication campaign. He was instrumental in the establishment of Thailand’s national soft power committee, began Spokesman Live talk show, and initiated a transition from the Saranrom Radio program, to the YouTube MFA Thailand Channel.

Tanee was Ambassador to Vietnam in December 2018 and focused on the three Bs: Business partnership and economic cooperation, Bilateral relations and strengthened strategic partnership, and Building people-to-people relations.

Before Vietnam, Tanee served as Consul-General in Los Angeles, where he further advanced the consular services, including one-day visa, and strengthened the Thai American community through culture and sports. The Thai Community spear headed activities through his facilitation, namely: Thai Town Council, Nuad Thai and Spa Association of America, Thai American Friendship Project, Thai Soccer League USA, and Thai Community Cup.

As Deputy DG for Southeast Asian Affairs, Tanee strengthened Thailand’s relations with ASEAN countries. As Director from 2010 - 2016, he focused on Thailand’s neighboring countries, and initiated the Foreign Ministers’ Retreat forum and the Mekong Friendship Project for regional youths.

As Political Counselor from 2007 – 2010 in Washington, DC, Tanee facilitated the establishment of Friends of Thailand Caucus in Congress and Thai - US relations.

In Malaysia from 1997 – 2001, Tanee worked on economic relations and headed the Consular Section. He provided protection for Thai nationals including trafficked victims and undocumented workers. Upon his return from Kuala Lumpur, he worked on migration, and multilateral issues. In 2011, he was seconded to International Organization for Migration (IOM).

A graduate of Marquette High School, Alton, IL, Tanee holds a BA in political science from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale and a Master’s of Public and International Affairs from University of Pittsburgh.


Awards and titles:

  • Friends of Makers Awards, the Evangelist by Thai Startup Association
  • Plaque of Appreciation for your support for Deep Tech Startup Ecosystem of Thailand by President of Chulalongkorn University
  • Certificate of Appreciation, Honorary Consultant to the World Association of Nuad Thai &Spa
  • Ambassador Advisory Board, Executive Council on Diplomacy